March 2024 Update

Mar 04, 2024

Hi there!

I wanted to begin March by giving you an update on what content I've been working on, and what to expect from JK Math in the coming months.

There are 2 main content "projects" I want to provide an update on today:

(1) FM Unit Review & Final Exam Review Videos

(2) Return of New Calculus 3 Videos

 I'm excited to share these updates with you, so let's get to it!


(1) FM Unit Review & Final Exam Review Videos

As you might remember, I mentioned in my December 2023 update that I was planning on making 6 new videos to add to my FM series on Youtube. Of those videos, 5 are unit reviews and the 6th video is a final exam review video. The unit review videos will act as nice checkpoints in my FM series, allowing you to review different groups of related FM concepts. 

More specifically, here are the 6 new FM videos I am working on:

Unit Review: Interest Rate Measurement (covers lessons 1-10 of my FM series)

Unit Review: Valuation of Annuities (covers lessons 11-19)

Unit Review: Loan Repayment & Bond Valuation (covers lessons 20-24)

Unit Review: Rates of Return & Interest Rate Term Structure (covers lessons 25-30)

Unit Review: Cashflow Duration & Immunization (covers lessons 31-34)

Final Exam Review (will feature solving FM problems from ANY topic covered in my FM series. A true test of your FM knowledge!)

I am currently writing and preparing to record these videos, so it will be some time yet until they are ready and available to watch on Youtube. My guess right now is that they will be ready sometime in April at the very soonest, but that is subject to change as I am working on other projects at the same time. Lets just say late spring 2024 for now. I appreciate your patience as I continue to work on these videos!

In the meantime however, here's a preview of their thumbnails!


Also, you may have noticed that I posted a video in February about drop and balloon payments. I plan to make "mini lesson" videos like that for FM from time to time. Look forward to more of them in the future!

Finally, one last update that is FM related... I have mentioned in the past that I am working on a secret project involving solving FM problems. I have made great progress on this project the last couple months, but still need more time to see it to completion.

This project is different than what I have done for FM in the past, as it will not be available on Youtube, but rather exclusively through my website (where you are reading this blog!). I will share more information soon to those who may be interested (i.e. those who have expressed interest in my FM content by downloading my FM worksheets and other FM downloads), as that is who the project is really for. As such, I will not talk much about this project explicitly, if at all, on my Youtube channel. But that's all I will say for now.


(2) Return of New Calculus 3 Videos

In December of 2023 I began my break from making new Calc 3 videos on Youtube, after having worked on them for 4 months straight. I am getting closer to returning to making new Calc 3 videos again, but need to finish a couple other projects first. One of those projects is the unit review and final exam review videos for FM, and the other is the secret FM project I mentioned earlier.

There is so much I want to do, so many videos I want to make (such as new Calc 3 videos), but I am only one person and so I have to really focus on one thing at a time, or I will never get anything done! 

Keeping that in mind, I am currently guessing that new Calc 3 videos will be back in full swing in late spring/early summer of this year. I am nearing the end of the other projects, which will allow me to give Calc 3 videos the proper amount of time they need to be as helpful as they can be. I believe we will pick things up with Surfaces in Space (Lesson 19). Exciting stuff!


Anything else? Glad you asked! 

To fill in the gaps between now and the new FM review videos and new Calc 3 videos, I will continue to put out "Quick Solve" videos and mini FM videos roughly once a week. I may slow down this posting rate though, just to really focus on finishing the other projects and get back to covering more brand new topics on the channel as soon as possible!

Also, I always want to mention this: If you are looking for bonus content for Calc 1, Calc 2, Calc 3, or FM, then make sure to check out my membership site JK Math+. I am continuing to add new content every month to the membership, and as of right now there is over 100 videos and over 16 hours of bonus content to watch that is not available on my Youtube channel. If you are interested in joining (and supporting my work), you can learn more about the membership here.

That's all for now! One final note: I just wanted to give a huge thank you to all of the recent support of my work at JK Math. The channel has seen some major increases in growth and reach over the last couple months (in comparison to growth in the past) due to the Youtube algorithm picking up some of my videos as suggestions on videos of other popular education channels, and it is really exciting to see. It means a lot to know my tutorials have been able to help so many people around the world, and I hope to be able to continue to do this and reach even more people in the months and years to come!

Until next time,


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