What's Next? (March 2023 Update)

Mar 06, 2023

Hi there! Time for a little update on what's next at JK Mathematics!

As of last week my series for Calculus 2 is now complete for a total of 52 lessons and examples videos! I have already chosen a new course to make videos for next, but there are a couple other items on my to-do list that I want to complete first before announcing the course and beginning its coverage. You can read about each item below!


(1) Availability of Calculus 1 and Financial Mathematics Worksheets

If you’ve watched my channel trailer from last year or have viewed the homepage of my website then you have probably seen the mention of worksheets to accompany the videos for Calc 1 and Financial Mathematics (FM). As of right now they are not available, but I have been working on them on and off in the background while creating Calc 2 videos. Now that the Calc 2 series is finished, my plan is to complete these worksheets and make them available to download sometime within the next month or two.

(2) New Quick Solve Videos

While I work on finishing the Calc 1 and FM worksheets I will still upload some videos to the channel about once a week. These videos will be additions to my “Quick Solve!” series which are typically shorter videos that focus on solving one specific problem, and are primarily rooted in Calc 1 (and now Calc 2!) topics. These videos (along with the next listed item) will bridge the gap in content between the end of Calc 2 and the next course I plan to cover.


(3) New Additional Financial Mathematics Lessons & Examples Videos

The analytics don’t lie… my tutorials for Financial Mathematics are driving a large percentage of traffic on the channel (thank you!). As such, it makes sense to revisit the course and cover some additional  topics to add on to the series.

As of writing this blog post, I have not yet written/recorded these new videos so the following information is subject to change, but as of now I expect to create a total of 4 new lesson videos and examples videos to continue the series that will cover the following topics: 

  • Lesson 29: The Portfolio Method
  • Lesson 30: Spot Rates & Forward Rates
  • Lesson 31: Modified & Macaulay Durations
  • Lesson 32: Immunization

These new videos are planned to release in April.


(4) Announcement of New Course to be Covered

Following the release of the Calc 1 worksheets, FM worksheets, and the new FM videos, I plan to announce the next math course I will cover with lesson and examples videos. While I believe it may be obvious what course will be next, I will wait to share any details about it for now until the previously listed items are completed. Stay tuned for more information!


(BONUS) Other Exciting Projects

In addition to everything above, I have some other exciting projects in the works! At this time there aren't any specific details I want to share about these projects, but I do expect that one of them will be available before coverage of the next course begins. Once again, stay tuned for more information!


That's all for this update! Thank you for all the recent positive comments and feedback, I am glad to know that my tutorials have been helpful to so many students! I can't wait to cover more math courses and be able to help even more students in the future.


- Josh

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