L'Hopital's Rule - Calculus 2

Oct 04, 2022

With this next lesson in Calculus 2 we are going to take brief break from new advanced integration techniques and revisit limits from Calculus 1.

When we last looked at evaluating limits (Calculus 1 Lesson 7), we learned how to evaluate limits where x approached infinity. In most cases, these limits were in an indeterminate form. Specifically, the indeterminate form of ∞/∞. We were able to get around this indeterminate form by algebraically manipulating the limit into a form where we could more easily evaluate.

In a similar way, we looked at how to evaluate limits of another type of indeterminate form of 0/0 in Calculus 1 Lesson 3 using various methods such as factoring, rationalizing, and expanding to algebraically manipulate the limits into a form that was more easily evaluated.

However, what if we have a limit in one of these two indeterminate forms of ∞/∞ or 0/0 and we cannot manipulate them algebraically to make them any easier? How to can we evaluate a limit like that? Well this is where L'Hopital's Rule comes into play, which is the focus of this lesson in Calculus 2. Let's get to it!

In this lesson, you will learn:

  • How to check for and identify an indeterminate form that is compatible with L'Hopital's Rule
  • What L'Hopital's Rule is, when to use it, and how to use it.
  • How to manipulate limits involving other indeterminate forms into a form that is compatible with L'Hopital's Rule.

I hope you find this video to be helpful!


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