Financial Mathematics Worksheets Now Available!

May 30, 2023

Hi there!

I'm excited to announce that the worksheets to accompany my Financial Mathematics (FM) video series are now complete and available to download! This includes worksheets for all 34 lesson and examples videos! (New lessons and examples videos (29-34) are releasing in the coming weeks!)

You can download the PDF with the complete set of worksheets for free at the link below:

In a way, the worksheets for the lesson videos serve as my version of a textbook for the course, as it outlines the most important information from each lesson video. But don't worry, there is still plenty of information for you to fill in as you watch each lesson! The worksheets are not "complete" until you finish them with your own notes while watching. The example video worksheets on the other hand are similar to more traditional practice worksheets, where each example problem is listed with space for you to solve them in.

It is my hope that these worksheets provide you (and/or your students) with a convenient and organized way to take notes while watching my videos for FM. The worksheets for each lesson and example video are either 2 or 4 pages in length, so I highly recommend that if you are going to print them out that you print duplex (double sided) as it will result in a nice 1 or 2 page worksheet for each video. (Also, if you can be sure to print in color!)

As a reminder, I am only one person, so it is very possible that there are some minor typos or errors in these worksheets that I missed. I did my best to review them thoroughly, but ultimately I am not perfect. Therefore if you find any typos or errors while using the worksheets, please do not hesitate to reach out and let me know so I can fix them immediately and update the PDF download! 

Enjoy the worksheets!


In other news, look forward to the new FM lesson and examples videos that are releasing in the coming weeks (lessons 29-34). This first of these new videos is releasing today at 4 PM EST. Expect 4 new videos a week for the next 3 weeks after which all the new videos will be released.

I worked very hard on these new FM videos to make sure they are the best that they can be. Some of the topics are pretty complex upon initial glance, but I found a nice way to present each of them in a way that I believe should be easily-digestible. I am proud of these videos and can't wait to share them with you!

Also, if you missed it, feel free to go back to my previous blog post and read about my brand new membership site called JK Math+ that you can join to get more from JK Math!

The membership site includes dark mode versions of my videos (black background, white writing) which is easier on the eyes, as well as bonus content for the courses I have covered (among other perks and features). In fact, all the new FM videos are currently available to watch right now in dark mode format on the membership site, along with some bonus videos for each topic. So if you can't wait to watch the new videos consider becoming a member today!

Not to mention that during launch week (May 29 to June 4), you can join the membership at a 25% discount for as long as you remain a member! After June 4, the monthly and annual prices for new members will be permanently increased. So if you are thinking about joining, be sure to do it this week and take advantage of the discount before it goes away forever!

If you want to learn more about JK Math+, click the link below! 

JK Math+ Membership Site:

There are still lots of other exciting things on the horizon at JK Math, so please stay tuned! As always, I will continue to post updates here on this blog! So, if you are not already on my email list, feel free to join in the box below so that you are notified when a new blog post is available to read or when I announce something new.

Until next time,


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