Calculus 2 Official Announcement
Aug 08, 2022
Hello there! Today I am officially announcing that Calculus 2 will be the next course to be covered with a series on JK Mathematics!
Calculus 2 will cover a variety of topics, beginning with the applications of integration. Other topics include:
- Advanced Integration Techniques
- Convergence of Sequences and Series
- Polar Coordinates
And Many More!
Due to the complexity and increase in difficultly of the topics from Calculus 1, many of the tutorial videos for Calculus 2 will be longer than my videos have been in the past. While I am no longer holding myself to a maximum length for these videos, I expect many of them will not exceed 40 minutes.
Lesson 1 of Calculus 2 will teach you how to find the area between two curves, and it will be available tomorrow August 9 at 4:00 p.m. EST.
See you then!
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