Area Between Two Curves - Calculus 2

Aug 10, 2022

In Calculus 1 you learn that the definite integral can be used to calculate the area of a region beneath a curve. However, what if we wanted to calculate the area of a region that is between two curves? It turns out, that we can also use a definite integral to calculate this area, as long as well can identify what curve bounds the top of the region, and which curve bounds the bottom of the region. 

And so this begins our journey through the applications of integration, which is the first major group of concepts that are covered in Calculus 2.

In this lesson, you will learn:

  • How to calculate the area between two curves in terms of x
  • How to calculate the area between two curves in terms of y
  • Why integrating in terms of one variable might be more advantageous than integrating in terms of another variable depending on the region.

I hope you find this video to be helpful!


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