What's Next? - Progress (April 2023 Update)

Apr 07, 2023

Hi there! 

Last month I posted an update on what is coming to JK Math over the next couple months with 4 main items of focus. Today I have a progress update on each of those items to share with you. First, as a reminder, here are the 4 items I listed in the last update:

(1) Downloadable Calc 1 & Financial Mathematics Worksheets

(2) A few new “Quick Solve! videos

(3) NEW Financial Mathematics lesson and examples videos

(4) Announcement & coverage of next math course


Progress Updates:

(1) Worksheets

As of writing this blog post, I have completed about 50% of the Calculus 1 worksheets to accompany the Calc 1 series of videos. Right now I expect that the rest of these worksheets will be completed by the end of April or early May. Once completed they will be made available to download for free from my website.

For the Financial Mathematics (FM) worksheets, I have completed all the worksheets for the current 28 lessons and examples videos that are available to watch on the channel. I do need to go through and perform a final proofreading to weed out any potential errors, but otherwise they are complete. 

However, until I complete the new FM videos (see item (3) below), I will wait to release these worksheets for download. My plan is to release them at the same time that the new FM videos launch, so that I can include the worksheets for the new videos in the same download and have them available right away. Thank you for your patience!


(2) Quick Solve Videos

Not too much to give an update on here. I will continue to post around 1 new “Quick Solve!” video per week (typically Thursdays) until I am ready to being releasing the new FM videos, which are detailed next. 


(3) New FM Videos

So this item took a crazy turn I was not quite expecting. When I wrote the previous blog, I had not yet begun to write any of these new lessons or examples videos. I made a guess that with the topics I wanted to cover that it would turn out to be 4 new lessons and 4 new examples videos. However, upon actually sitting down and planning out the lessons I realized there was a bit more to cover than I originally thought.

As of writing this blog, I have completed writing all the new lessons and examples videos, but have only recorded about half of them. There is still a bit of work to be done. The total video count will be 12 new videos: 6 new lessons and 6 new examples videos. The topics are as follows:


Lesson 29: The Portfolio Method

Lesson 30: Spot Rates & Forward Rates

Lesson 31: Macaulay & Modified Durations

Lesson 32: Macaulay & Modified Convexity

Lesson 33: Asset-Liability Exact Matching

Lesson 34: Redington & Full Immunization


With these videos, the FM series should cover all the major topics that would be seen on the Actuarial Exam FM or in any Financial Mathematics course based around similar material to what is on Exam FM.

My goal is to have all 12 videos 100% completed before I begin to schedule their release on the channel. A few of these topics are quite complex in comparison to previous topics in FM, so it is possible that a couple videos may exceed the 20 minute mark, unlike the rest of the videos in the FM series. 

Currently I expect to have these videos ready to release in early May.


(4) Next Course

Similar to item (2), there is not much of an update to provide here. Until I finish all the Calc 1 worksheets and the new FM videos and worksheets, I will not begin to work on the next course or announce it formally. Stay tuned for more information!


That’s all for now! Thanks for reading!

Until next time,

 - Josh

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