What if you could confidently solve any FM problem you encounter on your next FM Exam?

Discover the 5 areas of Financial Mathematics that once mastered and put together, create a powerful system that can take you from being a problem-solving novice to having a repeatable and effective strategy for solving any FM problem - especially those found on the Actuarial Exam FM


I Wasn't Always Able to Solve FM Problems...

When I first took a course on Financial Mathematics in college in 2020, things did not start out very well.

For the first time in my college career, I failed a math exam. The very first exam I took on the topics in this FM course (modeled after the Actuarial Exam FM) came back to me with the grade of a whopping 45%. Ouch!

But let’s back things up for second… Maybe I was just bad at math, right?

Well, given that I was majoring in mathematics, I certainly hoped not. That was most likely not the case.

Every other math class I ever took for the most part went really well, but like my stomach with a greasy fast food hamburger, something about this Financial Mathematics course did not agree with me. At least not in the beginning…

I felt as though I understood the FM concepts at a basic level. I knew how to do all the calculations for future value, present value, annuities, etc.

But for some reason, when it came to the lengthy word problems on the quizzes and exams (the types of problems featured on the Exam FM), my mind would completely freeze up, and I would have no idea where to begin.

Every time I read a new FM problem I felt immediately defeated.

For some reason, I could never quite decipher what a problem wanted me to do, or how to use the concepts I learned in class to solve it.

I found myself struggling to set up equations to solve for different values that the problems were asking me to find and often felt like I didn’t have the right information to solve the problems (even though I did).

Quite frankly, I was lost. And I knew it.

It was frustrating, because I thought I understood the FM concepts that were taught in my class lectures and laid out in the textbook. I spent many hours studying!

But as it turns out, the FM resources available to me were only focused on teaching the fundamentals of the FM concepts, and never on the problem-solving techniques needed to solve the more complex problems - the type found on the Actuarial Exam FM.

That’s where the disconnect was.

I knew the concepts, but couldn’t apply them. No one ever showed me how.

So many resources and textbooks tend to shy away from diving into the specifics of how to dissect challenging FM problems or how to solve them from start to finish. 

Step-by-step solutions are rarely provided, and if they are, little to no explanation is offered as to why you set up certain equations and how they were formed from the problem’s given information.

Most of the time all that is given is the final answer that you are somehow supposed to find.

The why is equally as important as the how and the what, and I think many FM resources miss this.

Knowing the right answer for a problem is nice, but what I wanted to know was how to get to that answer, and why that is the way to get there.

Sound familiar? Maybe you can relate with my struggles to solve FM problems. But I want you to know that there is a way out.

You can right the ship - I know because I was able to do it.

When I realized my inability to apply the FM concepts was where I was falling short, I made it my goal to fix this shortcoming. Something needed to change.

I spent many hours studying the solutions to as many FM problems as I could find, trying to make connections between the seemingly random equations used in the solutions and the words in each problem.

 Over time, I began to understand what previously had me very confused. 

As it turns out, I realized I didn't fully understand a few things:

  • How to create an equation of value and make sense of the time value of money
  • How different interest rates were related and how I could actually change them to fit different scenarios (and that changing them is actually necessary for many problems)
  • The connection between different FM concepts and when to use their various formulas.
  • How to use a financial calculator to my advantage to make some calculations easier and ultimately quicker.

And most notably:

I didn’t have a strategy or plan of attack to pick apart an FM problem and understand what it was asking me to find, or how certain pieces of information were relevant to the solution.

I thought I understood these different areas of Financial Mathematics, and to an extent I did, but only at a surface-level.

I started to realize there were many things my textbook and class lectures weren’t telling me.

To put it simply, there was a lot of things I did not fully understand, and for the longest time I was not aware of my misunderstanding.

But after having these realizations, I began to correct my misunderstandings one by one, rewire my thinking regarding FM concepts, and piece all the different areas together to form a cohesive strategy that would change how I solve FM problems forever.

And the best part? It worked.

I went from failing my FM course in college, to closing out the course with an A. I righted the ship. And you can too.

Solving FM Problems Doesn't Have to Be Hard...

It can be “FM” easy!

You just need to have the right understanding of FM concepts and a strategic plan to attack FM problems. Otherwise you’ll waste your time and continue to struggle solving them.

And I don’t want that to happen to you.

So, I’ve taken all my experience, knowledge, discoveries, mistakes, and strategies surrounding how to solve FM problems and condensed it all down into a powerful system that will help you maneuver effectively and accurately through even the toughest questions.



My flagship course that helps you develop and implement the skills you need to solve FM problems efficiently and accurately, without ever needing to open up another textbook.

FM Easy will help you:

Visualize FM Problems

Be able to draw timelines that help you visually organize the information given in FM problems and turn them into equations that will ultimately lead to the solution. 

 Build Confidence

Read a new FM problem for the first time and know exactly where to start - no more second-guessing yourself or wasting time panicking about what to do first.

 Make Connections Between FM Concepts

Understand how different FM concepts are related to one another and use this to your advantage to make solving complicated FM problems less daunting.

 Become An Efficient Problem Solver

Make the most of your time with the help of various tips and tricks related to formula memorization, using a financial calculator, and avoiding common mistakes that will aid in solving FM problems.

FM Easy is an online course that gives you the tools and strategies you need to solve FM problems and pass your next FM exam.

It's the course I wish existed when I was first learning Financial Mathematics.

Throughout 6 easy to follow video modules I'll lay out my exact method that makes maneuvering and solving FM problems a breeze.

This program is focused on 5 core areas:

Mastery of these 5 areas creates a powerful skillset that can destroy any FM problem you encounter (and by destroy I mean solve!).

Together, they unlock your ability to use the final 6th area of a consistent and repeatable strategy for solving any FM problem. (My 5-step strategy for solving any FM problem!)

The secret is knowing how to make the most of these 5 areas and how they work together to make solving even the trickiest FM problems possible.

And that’s exactly what I will teach you in FM Easy.

If you put in the work - you’ll get the results! 

Here’s a sneak peak of what you’ll learn in the core video lessons of FM Easy:

Module 1:

The Power of the Timeline đź•’


  • Why organizing information by drawing a timeline for FM problems is a game changer in the problem solving process
  • How to draw accurate diagrams (timelines) to represent scenarios involving cash flows described by FM problems
  • How to turn timelines into equations that will solve FM problems 

 Module 2:

The Interest Rate Circus 🎪


  • Explore all the different types of interest rates you will encounter in FM problems and how and when to use them
  • How to convert between the many types of interest rates featured in FM problems
  • How to know when to convert an interest rate in an FM problem, and why it's important that you do

Module 3:

The Formula Memory Bank 💭


  • Why formula memorization is essential to succeeding in Financial Mathematics
  • Examine ALL the FM formulas you need to know for solving FM problems
  • My personal memorization tricks for formulas related to interest rates, annuities, bonds, amortization, and more
  • How you can develop your own memorization tricks for FM formulas

Module 4:

The Common Pitfalls ⚠️


  • Why identifying the mistakes you are most likely to make when solving FM problems is crucial to your success in Financial Mathematics
  • Expose the most common mistakes students make when solving FM problems and how to avoid them (many of these mistakes I've made myself!)
  • Solidify the Calculus skills you need to have in order to solve certain FM problems

 Module 5:

The Calculating Lifesaver 🧮


  • Why using a financial calculator is vital to helping you solve FM problems efficiently and accurately
  • How to perform basic calculations on the BAII Plus financial calculator (approved calculator for the Actuarial Exam FM)
  • How to use the most important functions of the BAII Plus calculator (TVM, NPV, IRR, Amortization, and more)
  • My favorite BAII Plus tricks for FM concepts that do not have their own built-in calculator function 

 Module 6:

The 5-Step Strategy to Solve Any FM Problem ✍️


  • A 5-step strategy that I personally developed and have used to effectively dissect and solve Exam FM level problems
  • 9 Challenging FM problems solved in full using my 5-step strategy with each and every step explained along the way (no corners cut!)

On top of that, to give you even more practice integrating the tips and strategies unveiled in FM Easy, I’ve also included a bonus module called “FM Problem Proficiency”

Inside the bonus module are 15 more videos, each featuring the complete step-by-step solution of an Exam FM level problem using my 5-step strategy.

The 15 bonus problems provide the perfect way to test your readiness for your next FM exam, as they cover a wide range of FM concepts you will be tested on, including:

  • Cash flows & basic annuities
  • Increasing & decreasing annuities
  • The force of interest & continuous annuities
  • Amortization, bonds, & bond amortization
  • Spot rates & forward rates
  • Durations & asset-liability management (exact matching, immunization)

In addition to the bonus module...

The platinum version of FM Easy includes access to my entire FM video series from Youtube on my website.

You can watch all 68 core lesson and examples videos any time you want completely advertisement free (goodbye pesky Youtube ads!).

But the bonuses don't stop there!

Even better yet, I’ve included PDF downloads for all the course slides of FM Easy, with and without my annotations. These are perfect for taking your own notes as you watch the course content, or if you want to have a physical copy of my notes.

Also, I’ve created formula sheets containing all the most important FM formulas you need to know for solving FM problems. These are great for helping you develop your own strategies for learning and memorizing the various formulas.

Another thing: I’ve created a guide for using the BAII Plus calculator with the most important functions laid out plainly for you to reference as you work on becoming more fluent in using the calculator to solve FM problems.

And one more exciting bonus: Everyone who purchases FM Easy Platinum gets one free 60-90 minute 1-on-1 tutoring session with me via Zoom, redeemable at any time after purchase. You can question me to your heart’s content about FM problems! (or not, it's totally up to you if you want to redeem this)

FM Easy is for you if...

  • You want to deepen your understanding of FM concepts including interest rates, annuities, bonds, amortization, and more

  • You’re tired of encountering new FM problems and never knowing where to start unless it’s extremely obvious

  • You’re tired of textbooks and other FM resources not fully explaining the methods and reasoning behind the solutions of FM problems

  • You’re tired of trying to study for your FM exam all by yourself (I’m here to help!)

  • You are willing to put in the work to develop the skills needed to solve challenging FM problems

This is NOT for you if...

  • You are not familiar with the very basics of FM. When you enter FM Easy, I will assume you have at least a surface-level understanding of the concepts of interest, annuities, bonds, etc. (what I teach in my YouTube series).
    • While I will review some concepts, I will not start from scratch. FM Easy is all about developing problem-solving skills, not lecturing you on what interest rates and annuities are at the very basic level.
  • You are expecting a magic pill that will tell you how to solve every FM problem with no effort on your end. I can’t promise that.
  • You expect results without putting in the time and effort. You have to be intentional about studying financial mathematics and be willing to work on developing the necessary skills to solve the exam level questions.

What is the value of FM Easy?

The average tuition per credit hour at a university in the US is around $500. So for a 3 credit course, such as a course on Financial Mathematics, that is approximately $1500.

And this doesn’t even include the cost of transportation, room and board (if you are not attending online), or required textbooks. If you include these costs, the total cost easily doubles to around $3000. All that for a single class that may or may not provide the results you are hoping for…

Speaking of textbooks, the cost of a typical FM textbook can be anywhere from $30 to $150, however the “best” ones are usually on the higher end of that range. But as you may be aware, these textbooks are not the easiest to understand. They tend to lack clear and concise step-by-step explanations of difficult FM problems, which is what you really want, and that is exactly the focus of FM Easy.


I’ve condensed all my experience, knowledge, and strategies for solving FM problems from my time in college and tutoring students 1-on-1 into this course.


In FM Easy there is over 20 hours of in-depth step-by-step tutorials designed to help you develop the skills you need. For that many hours of my time through 1-on-1 tutoring I charge over $2000.

So, between the value of the information and strategies for solving FM problems that I’ve learned, plus the value of my time, that is a total of around $5000 worth of value.

But when I decided to package what I know about solving FM problems into a course any FM student could follow at their own pace, I wanted to make it as accessible as possible.

And that's why you can get instant access to the same information and strategies through FM Easy for just one payment of $397

Click the button to get started today!


See what results students have been getting...

These are just a few of the success stories from students that implemented what I teach in my FM videos - the same ideas and strategies I expand upon in great detail in FM Easy!

Don't forget: it's completely risk free


I've packed a lot into FM Easy because not only do I want you to develop the skills needed to solve FM problems, but I want to guarantee your success in Financial Mathematics.

And to make it a no-brainer decision for you I'm giving you a 30 day 100% money-back guarantee with your purchase of FM Easy today.

That's right: Go through the course, check out the bonuses, follow the steps and strategies, study and put in the work, and if you don't find it helpful in the first 30 days of your purchase, send me an email and I'll refund you immediately. No questions asked, no hard feelings.

To summarize, here is what you're getting with the FM Easy program:

  • All 41 core FM Easy videos with over 20 hours of in-depth step-by-step training ($5000 value)
  • Bonus Module: FM Problem Proficiency including 15 additional bonus videos to help you practice solving the most challenging FM problems ($500 value)
  • BONUS: PDF downloads of course slides, formula sheets, and BAII Plus guide.
  • BONUS: Access to my FM Youtube video series (68 videos) on my website with zero advertisements.
  • BONUS: One free 60-90 minute 1-on-1 tutoring call with me via Zoom ($100 value) 

Total value for all of this amazing FM training = $5,600

But today you get access to all of this for only one payment of $397

Click the button to get started today!


You're seconds away...

After your purchase, when you login through my website, you’ll be able to access the entire FM Easy program and begin watching the videos immediately.

You can take the course on any device you like: computer, phone, or tablet. As long as you have internet access, you have the course!

Oh and by the way, this includes any future updates to the material or brand new videos I may add to the course in the future. You will have lifetime access!

Don't want the bonuses?

Now - if for some reason you don’t want all the bonuses, I am also offering you a basic version of the course.

You still get all 41 core videos of the FM Easy program, but you will not get access to the additional 15 videos in the bonus module “FM Problem Proficiency”, the PDF downloads, my FM Youtube video series with no ads, or the one time 60-90 minute 1-on-1 tutoring session with me.

  • All 41 core FM Easy videos with over 20 hours of in-depth step-by-step training ($5000 value)
  • Bonus Module: FM Problem Proficiency including 15 additional bonus videos to help you practice solving the most challenging FM problems ($500 value)
  • BONUS: PDF downloads of course slides, formula sheets, and BAII Plus guide.
  • BONUS: Access to my FM Youtube video series (68 videos) on my website with zero advertisements.
  • BONUS: One free 60-90 minute 1-on-1 tutoring call with me via Zoom ($100 value) 

You can get the basic version of FM Easy for just one payment of $297

The choice is yours...

Pick the version of the course that is right for you!




  • FM Easy Course (41 Videos)
  • "FM Problem Proficiency" - 15 bonus videos solving challenging FM Problems step-by-step
  • PDF Download of course slides
  • Formula sheets & BAII Plus Calculator Guide
  • Access to all my FM Youtube videos through my website (68 videos)
  • One-time 60-90 minute 1-on-1 Tutoring Zoom call with me! (redeemable any time)




  • FM Easy Course (41 Videos)
  • "FM Problem Proficiency" - 15 bonus videos solving challenging FM Problems step-by-step
  • PDF Download of course slides
  • Formula sheets & BAII Plus Calculator Guide
  • Access to all my FM Youtube videos through my website (68 videos)
  • One-time 60-90 minute 1-on-1 Tutoring Zoom call with me! (redeemable any time)

P.S. Don't forget that when you purchase FM Easy, it is completely risk-free. You have an entire 30 days to watch the course, implement my tricks and strategies, and see if it produces the results you are looking for.

I know what it's like to feel lost when attempting to solve FM problems - that feeling of utter frustration and defeat and it seems as though none of the available resources can help you (textbook, notes, etc.)

It's not fun! And I want to help you avoid those frustrations. There is a way out.

The beauty of FM Easy is that you can learn all the best strategies, tricks, and techniques I know and developed for solving FM problems, and skip all the pain and mistakes that I made!

It couldn't be more convenient!

Do yourself a favor and eliminate the guesswork in studying how to solve FM problems. Invest in your education, get the training, and start solving more FM problems.

See you inside the course!

-Josh Kantner