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*Note: This video was recorded before I started covering Algebra. As of January 2025, dark mode versions of Algebra videos and bonus Algebra videos are also available on JK Math+!
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Become a Part of a Community
+ Access an exclusive community of math students
+ Chat, learn, and study together with other members
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+ Help others by sharing your knowledge and commenting on their posts

+ Communicate via text with other members in the virtual chatroom
+ Share & read helpful tips, insights, and discoveries for succeeding in different math courses
+ If many students have the same questions about a particular topic, I'll schedule a live video meetup call to address the questions as a community
Exclusive Content:

Dark Mode
(Color Inverted) Videos
Prefer dark mode versions of things?
On JK Math+ you can watch ALL my videos from every course with their colors inverted (black background, white writing).

Early Access to New Videos
On JK Math+ you will have access to new videos (in dark mode format) as soon as they are finished.
This means you can watch them hours or sometimes days before they are made public on Youtube!

No Advertisements
Despise YouTube ads? You're in luck! All content on JK Math+ is 100% ad-free!
Additionally, any self promotional segments in my videos have been removed.

Calculus 1
Bonus Content
On JK Math+ you will have access to extra videos for Calculus 1!
This includes examples that were cut from their full videos on Youtube, as well as brand new example videos in the future!

Calculus 2
Bonus Content
On JK Math+ you will have access to extra videos for Calculus 2!
This includes examples that were cut from their full videos on Youtube, as well as brand new example videos in the future!

Calculus 3
Bonus Content
On JK Math+ you will have access to extra videos for Calculus 3!
This includes brand new extra example videos for each lesson as they release! (Usually harder examples!)

Financial Mathematics
Bonus Content
On JK Math+ you will have access to extra videos for Financial Mathematics!
This includes examples that were cut from their full videos on Youtube, as well as brand new example videos in the future!

Bonus Content
On JK Math+ you will have access to extra videos for Algebra!
This includes brand new extra example videos for each lesson as they release! (Usually harder examples!)

Bonus Content
For Future Courses
As I continue to cover more math courses on Youtube at JK Math, I will also create and add new bonus content for those courses exclusively to JK Math+.
Dark mode versions of the lesson and examples videos for future courses covered will also be added to JK Math+.
Currently, there is a total of over 200 videos and over 35 HOURS of exclusive bonus content on JK Math+!
In addition to these perks and features...
+ Becoming a member helps support JK Mathematics and will allow me to continue to make more videos for more math courses to help more students learn math better!
JK Math+ Membership Options
Need Specifics?
Detailed List of Currently Available Content on JK Math+
(click to expand each category)
Dark Mode Versions of Youtube Content
Calculus 1 Bonus Content
Calculus 2 Bonus Content
Calculus 3 Bonus Content
Financial Mathematics Bonus Content
Algebra Bonus Content
And more to come in the future!
(New videos every month!)
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