Begin Your Venture into the World of Algebra 

What You Will Learn...

Variable Expressions

Learn to evaluate, simplify, and manipulate variable expressions involving exponents, radicals, and more.


Learn to plot points and sketch basic graphs such as lines and parabolas in the rectangular coordinate system.

Solving Equations

Learn different methods of solving for variables in basic equations and systems of equations.


... And Much More!

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Become familiar with the commonly used formulas of Algebra with these nifty cheat sheets.

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Available Tutorial Videos

Click on a video to watch it on Youtube! 

Algebra videos are currently in production! Check back regularly to see what's new!

Unit 1: Variable Expressions


Unit 2: Solving Equations & Inequalities

Want MORE Algebra Content?

As they release, if you find my Algebra videos to be helpful, then you will find my membership site JK Math+ to be helpful as well! As a member, you will gain access to a dark mode version of each video and exclusive bonus content for Algebra. Click the button below to lean more.